Thursday, January 15, 2009

We won the Big Woody!

We realize it's the worst pun in classic boating society, but it's true - we've won the Big Woody Award for Best Website from the crew at WoodyBoater.

To see why we think it's well deserved, visit our redesigned website:

1 comment:

WoodyBoater said...

It was the easiest award we had to award. Your new website has great design, great photos and a great deal of useful information. It feels like I am visiting a place rather than a web site, It also does the best in the business for capturing the emotion of the passion. The blog and the ability to comment makes viewers want to come back to the Mahogany bay Community. Kinda like hanging out in a very cool boat house with some pals.... Thanks. And Congrats.. Beer's on me at Dora...